JUNE 2020
/June in France is so beautiful, the grass is green and so many plants are in full flower. We do seem to have quite a lot of purple flowers at this time. Of course there is the lavender which I love and so do the butterflies. Then we have the bears breeches, Acanthus Spinosus, the amazing architectural stature of this plant is worth mentioning as it stands so proud throughout June, before needing a little support towards the end of the summer. The heat of the summer days are punctuated by the popping of the seed cases. As the plants fall away we collect and dry them. They turn up again in our Christmas floral decorations when they are covered with gold spray paint and stand tall once more heralding the festivities.
Here is a video of the lavender near to the pool.
Bears Breeches
The field viewed from the bolet was planted with wheat this year and we have watched as it has turned from green to gold and then at last the farmer came to harvest. Our meadow was also cut and baled, the meadow grass goes to feed the cows at a local farm. I love to see the bales littering the field, Emmie barked at them when they first appeared, but they soon became part of the furniture on her walks around the fields.
The meadow.
This is the view from the bolet ( balcony), our local farmer arrives to cut his wheat field. Do click on the video, you can hear the harvester from the outset!
All finished! The golden light of evening casting long shadows.
All the bales in the bolet view field, another video!