Photo Tuesday
/Fire bug ( Pyrrhocoris apterus) in the garden. 21st February 2016.
Fire bugs showing aggregation behaviour. 21st February 2016.
The daisies are out in their hundreds. 21st february 2016.
Just the one daffodil near to the pool. February 2016.
The sun coming up, for just a short time the tops of the trees are orange. 21st February 2016.
I hope you can see the bird in the centre of the picture, I wonder what it is? The same bird is bathing in the water in the picture below. February 2016.
Same bird bathing, not sure what kind of bird, is it a L.B.J? February 2016.
A tree was blown down the weekend before last. I am sorry to see it go but we might have a better view because of it.
The same weather that brought down the tree meant the satellite TV was not working, well done Rob for sorting it out.